Get To Know Wiltshire

Cycling Routes In Wiltshire

The Wiltshire Cycleway

The Wiltshire Cycleway

The Wiltshire Cycleway is a 160-mile circular route that showcases the best of Wiltshire’s countryside. Passing through idyllic villages, World Heritage sites, and nature reserves, it’s perfect for cyclists of all abilities. The route is divided into 10 sections, each offering its own unique scenic experience. One of the highlights of the route is the Wansdyke, an ancient earthwork that stretches over nine miles. The route takes between six and eight days to complete, making it a great option for a long cycling holiday.

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The White Horse Trail

The White Horse Trail

One of the most popular cycling routes in Wiltshire is the White Horse Trail. The trail takes you through the beautiful countryside and past several ancient white horses carved into hillsides. The route is roughly 90 miles long and takes around three to four days to complete. The trail is well sign-posted, and there are plenty of pubs and cafes along the way to stop and refuel.

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Salisbury to Stonehenge Clycling

Salisbury to Stonehenge Clycling

For a shorter ride, you can cycle from Salisbury to Stonehenge, a world-famous prehistoric monument in Wiltshire. The route is around 25 miles long and takes you through picturesque villages and stunning countryside. You'll also pass several historic sites, including Old Sarum and the Woodford Valley.

Salisbury to Stonehenge