Get To Know Wiltshire

Exciting things to do in Wiltshire! The top 10 must-see locations.

1. Stonehenge

1. Stonehenge

A visitor hotspot, Stonehenge is an ancient stone circle that stands majestically on Salisbury Plain. This historical landmark is over 5,000 years old, and although people are not allowed to touch the stones, visitors can walk around them and admire the wonder of the ancient world.

2. Longleat Safari Park

2. Longleat Safari Park

Known for being the first British drive-through safari, Longleat Safari Park is a must-see for wildlife enthusiasts or families. Visitors can spot a variety of animals including lions, tigers, and giraffes from the comfort and safety of their cars.

3. Lacock Abbey

3. Lacock Abbey

This National Trust property is one of the most famous in Wiltshire, famous for its picturesque courtyard with a 13th-century medieval cloister. Highlights include the Tudor church and the delightful botanical gardens.

4. Avebury Stone Circle

4. Avebury Stone Circle

Similar to Stonehenge but without the crowds, Avebury dates back to 2,600 BC with an awe-inspiring two-mile-long earthwork enclosure that encircles the village, megalithic circles of stones, and a museum that showcases the history of the site.

5. Salisbury Cathedral

5. Salisbury Cathedral

No visit to Wiltshire is complete without visiting Salisbury Cathedral, one of the finest Gothic-style cathedrals in Europe. Visitors must take a tour of this magnificent structure, including the towering spire that stands at over 400 feet.

6. Westbury White Horse

6. Westbury White Horse

This landmark is about 25 meters long and stands on a hill overlooking Westbury, Wiltshire. It is a very popular chalk carving that has been there since the 18th century.

7. Kennet & Avon Canal

7. Kennet & Avon Canal

The Kennet and Avon Canal runs for 87 miles and Its scenic beauty and relaxed pace makes it an inviting destination for a relaxing stroll or a leisurely cycle.

8. Devizes Castle

8. Devizes Castle

Situated on a hill overlooking the Wiltshire town of Devizes, the castle is known for its large hexagonal keep that was built in the early 12th century by Bishop Roger of Salisbury. Remains of the original castle still exist, and visitors can explore the area to learn more about local history and heritage.

9. Stourhead House & Garden

9. Stourhead House & Garden

The magnificent stately home with its landscaped gardens is one of the National Trust's most famous properties. Visitors can take a walk around the gardens and relax in the outdoor cafes, or explore the grounds on foot or bike.

10. Old Wardour Castle

10. Old Wardour Castle

This castle’s ruins offer a glimpse of its majesty from the past. It was involved in conflicts by opposing sides during the English Civil War and was left abandoned to ruin. The castle is located in the peaceful, rolling hills of Wiltshire, and its landscaped gardens offer visitors a scenic view of the surrounding countryside.